Consultation in


Family / General Optometry


Child Development / Vision Rehabilitation


Traumatic and Acquired Brain Injury


Learning / Reading Disorders

New Book


A Journey into Vision Blindness

“Human vision is easily one of the most important, yet most widely ignored factors in child development and pediatrics today.” – Dr. Charles Boulet, Nearsighted White Kids 

WHO NEEDS TO BUY THIS BOOK: Nearsighted White Kids is a technical book, but presented in a consumable way for doctors, psychologists, educators, therapists, parents and anyone interested in human vision. This book is born out of a need in the child development community for essential understanding of human vision beyond the basic eye chart.

As a rule, the people who teach our children, assess them, treat them, and make lifelong decisions for them are working blind. Nearsighted White Kids explains why our blindness to the basics of human vision impairs our ability to respond to children’s needs, leaving them in a neglected or compromised state.

Now Available :

“This book is born out of a need in the child development community for essential understanding of human vision beyond the basic eye chart. As a rule, the people who teach our children, assess them, treat them, and make lifelong decisions for them are working blind, and the disaster that follows occurs daily in every school on the planet, and in every pediatrician’s clinic. This book explains why our blindness to the basics of human vision impairs our ability to respond to children’s needs, leaving them in a neglected or compromised state. The same fundamental blindness also prevents therapists from fully approaching their clients suffering with brain injuries. Nearsighted White Kids (NWK) is a technical book, but presented in a consumable way for the widest possible audience. NWK was written for anyone interested in human vision, but especially for teachers, doctors, therapists, psychologists, and school administrators who have never studied optometry or ophthalmology, and who don’t know what they don’t know, or how this lack of insight is costly for children, families, school and healthcare budgets, and society. NWK breaks down the basic elements of human vision and describes how they impact function and development. The last half of the book takes a broader look at issues that impact schools, child development, and the costs of ignoring vision: the cost of vision blindness.”
“Dr. Charles Boulet graduated from Pacific University’s College of Optometry in 2008. In addition to his Doctorate of Optometry, Dr. Boulet has completed a Bachelor of Science in neural sciences/neuropsychology and a Bachelor of Education, both from the University of Alberta. During his years teaching sciences, Dr. Boulet (then Monsieur Boulet) was involved in curriculum development and standard assessment, and authored two french-language science textbooks. Dr. Boulet now spends most of his time in primary-care practice, where he addresses a variety of visual concerns, specializing in vision development rehabilitation and ongoing instruction of rehabilitation therapists. Dr. B has a long history of advocacy for child vision rights and has published numerous articles on the subject in and outside of the academic world. Dr. B also runs a website,, which aims to make vision science and rehabilitation more accessible to teachers, family doctors, therapists and more. You can find more content through his channel on YouTube: Vision Mechanic.”

New Book


This book is born out of a need in the child development community for
essential understanding of human vision beyond the basic eye chart.

As a rule, the people who teach our children, assess them, treat them, and make lifelong decisions for them are working blind, and the disaster that follows occurs daily in every school on the planet, and in every pediatrician’s clinic.

This book explains why our blindness to the basics of human vision impairs our ability to respond to children’s needs, leaving them in a neglected or compromised state.

Now Available :

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